Holy Fawn – Death Spells

Regular price $45.00

Available on blue with white splatter or camo green wax

The 2018 album from the genre-chemists Holy Fawn, mixing up dreamy and ethereal shoegaze sounds, post-rock vibes and black metal elements, creating a gigantic wall of noise that sounds beautiful but also full of doom. If you're into the likes of Slowdive, Gleemer, Nothing, Slow Crush or Deafheaven then check this out.

Holy Fawn describe themselves as four creatures making "loud, heavy, pretty music" which vaguely encompasses their sound. It's a darker shade of shoegaze with elements of post rock's engulfing wall of sound. They rely on strong lyrical imagery of nature along with atmospheric guitars reverberating in a swirl to create vast sonic landscapes that transports the listener to otherworldly realms; outside and within.